Monday, June 11, 2012

I’ll have the spicy squid casserole please

It’s difficult being a dog in a restaurant in this city, no one wants to know about you. I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve been shooed away from an eatery just because of who I am.

Look, I know what you’re thinking but I’m not a scavenger. I have money to pay for my dinner, I don’t want anything for free I just want to enjoy food like everyone else. The thing that gets in the way though is communication. If I could just explain that I wanted to order from the menu and pay with the note that’s tucked under my collar. But they don’t know what I mean.

I don’t think it helps that the pronunciation of spicy squid casserole requires me to growl a little more deeply than usual. They mostly take it as a threat I think, but it’s not a threat. I’m not trying to scare anyone, I just like hot food.

I suppose it’s my owner who’s to blame really. He has always cooked for the two of us, no separate meals like the other dogs, nothing out of the can. He’d sit down to his dinner at the table and give me a plate over by my corner of the floor. Whatever he ate I ate and well, I’ve become accustomed to the human style of food now.

The problem though, is that he’s not in any state to cook for me anymore. He’s old you see, maybe twenty five in dog years, I’m not sure exactly about the maths. But he’s old even for a human, they’ve taken him off to a home where they keep the old people. I know where it is, but they wont let me anywhere near him. Apparently I’m unhygienic.

So lonely and lost I just wander around the streets trying to explain to waiter and maître Dee’s that I’m a paying customer who wants to appreciate the food on offer. It hasn’t worked even once so far and I end up trotting back to my owner’s house where his daughter will have left me a cold can of that rubbish other dogs eat.

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