Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Enemy

They keep pouring in. It’s a constant stream, their infantry seems to be endless. But the weird thing about them is that they all look the same. They’ve all got the same way of moving, all the same size and it’s like the all think the same. We’ve captured one or two of them before and they didn’t seem to have any kind of personality at all. They didn’t make any noise, they just mindlessly and without any kind of thought, struggled to escape until they didn’t have any struggle left in them. That’s the thing that makes me scared of them now, the apparent lack of personality. It’s like they’re just cardboard cut outs of each other, you kill one and there’s another one just like it coming to take its place. It’s a never ending battle.

Chemical warfare has been the most effective so far. I don’t really know how I feel about it, but it’s much better than the alternative. If we weren’t poisoning them they would take over, they’d overrun this place in no time, there just seems to be an endless supply of them that I don’t doubt that left alone they could take over.

I sure don’t want to be like them. Living under a feudal system where everything in life revolves around their queen. I don’t know that much about them but from what I do know it doesn’t sound like an organisational structure that values difference or creativity or anything other than working, workers working hard for their queen.

And when we’re not at war with them, work seems to be all that they’re about. From what I can tell their life involves a lot of heavy lifting and a lot of marching, leaving little time for much else.

On top of that, and I think it goes without saying, they’re dirty. No one likes to have them around. As much as I don’t like the idea of killing there isn’t an alternative. If they stayed away I wouldn’t have a problem with them, but they continue to invade and I’m left with no choice but to kill the filthy things and keep them at bay for as long as it takes for them to realise that there’s no place for them here. We don’t want them, nobody does. I’m not someone that hates, but I hate those ants and I just want them out of my house. 

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