Monday, March 19, 2012


It’s probably quite odd that my best friend should be a caterpillar but he’s such a great guy. He’s one of those little stick looking things. Camouflaged in the pine trees and small enough that no one would really notice him if he wasn’t. Jonny, he’s called. Odd name for a caterpillar I first thought, but then again what would you consider a normal caterpillar type name.

Jonny moves in a way that reminds me more of a cartoon version of a caterpillar than anything you’d expect to see in real life. He scrunches himself up into a horseshoe shape then flattens out again. To be honest I don’t think I really understand the mechanics of it at all. He lifts his front end up to have a look around and just holds himself there. He must do a lot of core work at the gym; Jonny is a strong little guy.

I often wonder what will happen to Jonny, they turn into moths or butterflies or something don’t they? But I don’t know what sort of thing he’ll turn into. I think it’ll be fun when he can fly, I won’t need to come and visit him here on this tree trunk. He’ll be able to come with me. I wonder how fast he’ll be able to fly.

I get hassled a lot for being friends with Jonny, but I don’t think it’s weird. We get on so well and who cares about what other people think. There aren’t any rules about friendship, there’s no guidebook, and there are no laws that I’m aware of. I think a sparrow and a caterpillar can be friends if they want to. 

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